I am sure you are surprised, said Tanye's Pastor. After taking a deep breath, he spoke again.I know exactly how you feel, Tanye. I have been there before but God gave me total victory, I have good news for you, as the Lord delivered me from masturbation and other ungodly habits, you also will be delivered in Jesus name.
Amen! said Tanye
Scriptures says in the book of Romans 6:14a "Sin shall no longer have dominion over you" and that is the truth and you can experience it. Infact, that is your inheritance in Christ Jesus, because you have the seed of God in you. But you need to cooperate with God to experience total victory.
Let me share with you what the Lord taught me.
- The Word of God: Scriptures says "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Tanye, the Word of God has the power to transform the life of a man. Romans 12:2a says "Do not be conformed to world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind". Psalms 119:9 says "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to your word" Also verse 11 of that same chapter says "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you" I know you said you study the Word of God but there is a need for you to continually meditate or ponder on his word too, so that his word gets rooted in your heart and forms your thoughts.
- Guard your heart: Sin starts from the heart of a man, the root of every habit is a thought.That is why, scriptures says "Guard your heart with all dilligence,for out of it comes the issues of life" What do you think about, what are the things that occupy your mind, what do you feed your mind with, I mean what books do you read or movies do you watch,what music do you listen to. Galatians 6:7 says "Be not deceived God is not mocked:for whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting". Avoid things that stir up this ungodly desire.You can never outgrow guarding your heart, this is very essential.
- Prayer: Tanye, we don't only get our needs met when we pray but we also get empowered to live godly lives. Hebrews 4:16 says "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need" Grace not only means divine favour but it also means divine help. We need the help of God to overcome every ungodly habits and live holy lives, we can't do it by our own strength or setting up rules for ourselves. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says "My grace is sufficient for you and in your weakness is my strength made perfect"
- Walk in the Spirit: Scripture says "Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh" There is a need for us to continually yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit, so that Christ's character might be formed in us. Do not be deceived Tanye, you will be tempted but God requires you to yield yourself to his Spirit and he will surely help you.
- Do not stay idle: Avoid idleness,a wise man once said an "Idle man is the devil's workshop" When we are idle the devil begins to bring different suggestions. Give no room to the enemy, always engage in an activity during your free time.
- Maintain your deliverance: Tanye, your deliverance is a continuous process. You have to consistently study God's word, meditate upon it, give yourself to prayer including fasting, keep walking in the Spirit and giving no room to the enemy. This will enable you to have constant victory over sin.
Finally, as I said earlier, sin shall no longer have dominion over you. This is the will of God for you, stand fast therefore in this liberty and you will see the salvation of the Lord.
Whaoh! exclaimed Tanye. I have seen where I have missed it.
Let us pray, said his Pastor.
Are you like Tanye struggling with an ungodly habit, it might not be masturbation and you have given up or about to. I have a good news for you, Christ has purchased your victory on the cross and you can experience total liberty from every ungodly habit. "For whosoever the son of man has set free, is free indeed"
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